Layout A (one post)

Lifetime Income — Build Your Own Pension

Author Thomas Swenson Published December 16, 2022 Word count 1,915 View author’s other articles Build Your Own “Pension Plan” with a Guaranteed Lifetime Annuity At the age of 65, an individual can expect to live about 25 years in retirement (a bit longer if married). Annuities...

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Layout A2

Lifetime Income — Build Your Own Pension

Author Thomas Swenson Published December 16, 2022 Word count 1,915 View author’s other articles Build Your Own “Pension Plan” with a Guaranteed Lifetime Annuity At the age of 65, an individual...

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Private Placement Life Insurance, PPLI

Author Thomas Swenson Published December 16, 2022 Word count 714 View author’s other articles Private placement life insurance (PPLI) is an underutilized, but potentially versatile and highly...

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What is an RESP?

Author Reti Red Published January 12, 2023 Word count 2,922 View author’s other articles What is an RESP account? An RESP stands for a Registered Education Savings Plan. This account is used to...

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Layout A2 (combined with B)

Lifetime Income — Build Your Own Pension

Author Thomas Swenson Published December 16, 2022 Word count 1,915 View author’s other articles Build Your Own “Pension Plan” with a Guaranteed Lifetime Annuity At the age of 65, an individual...

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What is an RESP?

Author Reti Red Published January 12, 2023 Word count 2,922 View author’s other articles What is an RESP account? An RESP stands for a Registered Education Savings...

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Layout A3

Author Thomas Swenson Published December 16, 2022 Word count 1,915 View author’s other articles Build Your Own “Pension Plan” with a Guaranteed Lifetime Annuity At the age of 65, an individual can expect to live about 25 years in retirement (a...

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Author Thomas Swenson Published December 16, 2022 Word count 714 View author’s other articles Private placement life insurance (PPLI) is an underutilized, but potentially versatile and highly efficient investment vehicle. It is useful not only...

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Author Reti Red Published January 12, 2023 Word count 2,922 View author’s other articles What is an RESP account? An RESP stands for a Registered Education Savings Plan. This account is used to save for a child’s post secondary education...

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Layout A (with pagination)

Lifetime Income — Build Your Own Pension

Author Thomas Swenson Published December 16, 2022 Word count 1,915 View author’s other articles Build Your Own “Pension Plan” with a Guaranteed Lifetime Annuity At the age of 65, an individual can expect to live about 25 years in retirement (a bit longer if married). Annuities...

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Private Placement Life Insurance, PPLI

Author Thomas Swenson Published December 16, 2022 Word count 714 View author’s other articles Private placement life insurance (PPLI) is an underutilized, but potentially versatile and highly efficient investment vehicle. It is useful not only for wealthy families. An individual or...

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What is an RESP?

Author Reti Red Published January 12, 2023 Word count 2,922 View author’s other articles What is an RESP account? An RESP stands for a Registered Education Savings Plan. This account is used to save for a child’s post secondary education. Government contributions are made through...

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