The Advantages of Rental Payment Protection Coverage

Are Rent Guarantee Insurance Helpful?

When you have invested money in your business and rental properties, it is natural to want to protect them. Landlord insurance allows you to safeguard your building from environmental damages and protects you from liability. On the other hand, renters insurance enables tenants to protect their belongings in the rental unit. How does rent guarantee insurance help protect your business? Rent guarantee insurance, which was previously popular only internationally, is gaining popularity in America for good reason. This affordable insurance option makes sense for many landlords. Are you missing out?

How Expensive is Rent Guarantee Insurance?

The cost of coverage will be a determining factor for many landlords like you when deciding whether to add this type of coverage. Unfortunately, the cost can vary widely depending on your location and the offerings available in your area.

However, in some cases, you may be able to include the cost of this insurance in the base monthly rent, depending on your area and profit margin. When you consider the added protection it provides, this insurance is a reasonable expense for your business. Therefore, incorporating this cost into your rent calculation is worth considering. Additionally, many property management companies offer this type of insurance through a third-party along with their services. So, if you currently use or plan to use a property management company, this is something to consider.

A tenant who fails to pay rent or refuses to pay is a landlord’s worst nightmare. While there are various insurance policies available for individuals and companies leasing property, including coverage for building, contents, and legal expenses related to tenant eviction, these policies might not provide reimbursement in the event of tenant arrears. Rent guarantee insurance, which originated in the United Kingdom and is now available in the United States, is designed specifically to protect a landlord’s income in case of tenant default.

What is the Payout for Rent Guarantee Insurance?

In most cases, a claim can be filed as soon as the tenant demonstrates that they will not pay rent or have failed to pay rent even after receiving an official notice from you. However, it is important to note that most rent guarantee insurance plans do not cover the first month of unpaid rent. Coverage typically starts from the second month and can extend up to six months. It is essential to remember that each insurance policy may vary slightly. Therefore, while the terms mentioned above provide a general understanding, it is advisable to review the specific details of your policy.